Baby Says Mama When Crying (Explained)

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Like every other baby, your little one cries whenever they want, but have you noticed that sometimes the baby says mama when crying? Or was it just a random sound the baby made?

Research shows that babies tend to say “mama” more often when they’re crying because they know that their mothers will respond to their cries and try to make them feel better.

If your baby is crying and saying “mama,” it’s likely because they are uncomfortable and need their mom’s love and care.

In this post, we’ll dive deeper into the topic and talk about everything you need to know about why babies say mama when crying. But before that, let’s see when a baby normally starts to talk.

When Will My Baby Say Mama?

We know that you are counting days for your baby to say mama as their first word ever.

Most of the time you should be able to hear your baby utter a word like “mama” or “dada” between 8 and 12 months.

First it will be just babbling sounds with cute little noises. But you’ll soon see that when the baby recognizes you, they will make happy sounds. The most common consonants babies start with are m, b and p.

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That is because these sounds are easier to make just by putting lips together.

So now you see why babies start speaking with mama or maa, because it is easier to say and it is something they hear often.

Why Does My Baby Say Mama When Crying?

The reason why your baby says mama when crying depends on their age and their vocal ability. 

If your baby is of speaking age and knows words like mama,

That means they know who is mama and they need you to respond. 

Most babies are fond of their mother from the moment they are born. Mama or Mommy is their comfort zone and the person whom they call when they are upset or they need something.

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The baby knows mama is the answer to hunger, sleepiness and all the other problems.

Why Does My Baby Say Mama When Crying

Whenever the little one needs your attention, the easiest way is to cry as loud as they can (seems like that’s how they think).

So whenever the baby is upset and crying, it is obvious he/she needs mama to comfort them. When they realize mama means you, they will not think twice to use it to call you.

If the baby is crying and saying mama, see whether your little one is hungry. At this age you certainly have an idea about the baby’s feeding pattern and hungry times. Make sure that the baby is properly taken care of whatever he is worrying about.

If hunger isn’t the case your little one calls out mama, then check the diapers or any other reason that may upset the baby.

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Newborns can get scared easily, even with small things in their sight. Maybe the baby is asking you to carry them because he/she knows they are safe in your hands. 

If the baby is not of speaking age yet,

The mama sound you hear is not really talking, but just a sound the baby unintentionally makes when crying. 

Constants like ma, pa, ba are the first words (or sounds) babies make with ease. Usually a baby takes 8 – 12 months to say their first proper word.

sound the baby unintentionally makes when crying

Even if you love to hear him say mama, the little one may not have an idea about what he is saying when crying. But if she/he often sounds like mama or maa, it can be a call for you.

This is a sign that shows your baby will start to speak soon, so it is something that should cheer you up. You can help him to get used to words with simple verbal exercises and regular talks.

We know that every mother is waiting to hear the first words of their baby. Do not worry if your baby is not ready to speak yet, even though the other babies of the same age do speak a few words. Every child needs time to develop at their own pace.


Hearing a baby say mama when crying is pretty common, especially among babies less than 2 years old.

If your baby is doing that intentionally, it means they are asking for mommy’s attention and care.

But if your baby is not speaking yet, it can be just a random sound your baby makes. That is a good sign because it would be the startup he needs to speak with proper words. 

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