Baby Sleeps With Head Tilted Back? (Solved)

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If you have ever seen your baby sleep with their head tilted back, you may have wondered if it is safe. After all, it doesnt seem like the most comfortable position.

While it may look uncomfortable, it is a perfectly normal sleep position for babies.

In this post, Ill go through the different reasons why a baby sleeps with their head tilted back and if there are any risks associated with sleeping in this position. Ill also talk about why a baby would sleep with its head tilted to one side.

Is It Normal for Babies to Sleep With Their Heads Tilted Back?

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While this may be worrisome at first, babies sleeping with their heads tilted back is not unusual; it is quite common for newborns to sleep in this manner and it’s nothing to be concerned about.

Is It Normal for Babies to Sleep With Their Heads Tilted Back

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Their head may tilt back because a babys neck muscles are relatively weak compared to adults, causing their heads to roll back as they sleep. 

This is not dangerous, and it does not imply that they are uncomfortable. Many newborns tend to sleep better with their heads slightly leaned back.

So, don’t be alarmed if you see a baby sleeping with its head tilted back – it’s entirely natural.

Why Does My Baby Sleep With Her Head Tilted Back?

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There are many reasons an infant may sleep with its head tilted back. Perhaps they are uncomfortable and seeking a more comfortable position. It is also possible that they are trying to ease pressure on their airway.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons in greater detail. 

Baby Loves To Sleep This Way

Because muscle strength in the neck, shoulders, and head has matured by four months, most newborns choose this resting posture. 

After the first successful rollover, some newborns adopt this posture. Babies, like adults, can regulate their bodies and adopt different sleeping positions. 

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baby sleeps with head tilted to one side

If your baby likes this position, no matter how often you try to turn them, they will return to it.

A Way Of Dealing With The Silent Reflux

Most parents think spitting up while eating is acid reflux, when food moves back up from the stomach. Some newborns, however, have silent reflux, and as a result, they tilt their heads to the back to relieve the pain and acid. 

It’s a blessing to have your infant cope on their own with reflux since it eliminates the need for medicine or deal with crying. However, if your baby tilts their head back and has sudden prolonged bouts of crying consult your pediatrician has reflux medication might be helpful.

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A Tilted Head Opens The Airway More

Some newborns sleep with their heads tilted back if they are having difficulty breathing for any reason. 

Tilting the head back expands the airways, helping the baby to breathe more easily. 

This posture eliminates the possibility of positional asphyxiation, in which neonates suffocate because their heads are inclined to the sides, closing the airways.

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The three instances above indicate that there is no need to be concerned if your infant decides to sleep with its head tilted back all night. 

Risks if They Sleep With Their Heads Tilted

However, if they appear to scream and struggle in this position, visit your doctor.

Are There Any Risks if They Sleep With Their Heads Tilted Back?

While sleeping in this manner would cause back or neck pain in adults, there wont be any sort of issues to your baby.

Overall, babies sleeping with their heads tilted doesnt usually pose a risk. 

However, if your baby always tilts their head, even when they are awake, and often looks only at one side, this should be taken seriously. Because it might mean that your child has Torticollis.

Torticollis is a condition in which your baby’s head is tilted to one side or prefers to face in one direction all of the time. It is advisable to take them to the doctor right away for a diagnosis. The severity of the symptoms depends on whether the kid was born with it or acquired it after birth. 

Why Does Baby Sleep With Head Tilted to One Side

Just like tilting their heads back, babies have weak neck muscles and because of the pressure, they often tilt their head to one side when they are sleeping on their backs.

The other reason would be that your baby likes this sleeping position and it’s comfortable for them.

Should I be worried? When your baby is older than 4 – 6 months and can turn over on its own, sleeping with its head tilted to one side is safe. 

However, if your baby is side sleeping if they are under 3 months old, contact your babys physician.


Babies sleeping with their heads tilted back is somewhat common, it could be because the baby feels more comfortable in that position or it could be a way of dealing with silent reflux or if the baby is having a bit of trouble breathing.  

Overall, If your baby is comfortable and her breathing is regular, there is no need to worry. But if you’re concerned about your baby’s sleep position, talk to your pediatrician.