What Are Serve And Return Interactions?

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What is a “Serve and Return”?

“Serve and return” refers to the back-and-forth interactions between a child and a caregiver that help build the foundation for healthy brain development. These interactions are similar to a game of tennis, with the child initiating a “serve” through gestures, sounds, or facial expressions, and the caregiver responding with a “return” in a warm and responsive manner. These serve and return interactions are essential for the development of neural connections and the focus of attention in children. They provide children with the necessary emotional regulation skills, language connections, and social skills for lifelong learning. Through everyday moments and interactions, caregivers create an environment rich in supportive interactions, forming strong brain architecture and building healthy relationships, which have a positive impact on the child’s overall development. It is through these Serve and return interactions that the child’s brain is wired for healthy development and language skills.

This Serve and Return Guide explores how interaction with children can contribute to brain development.

Serve and return interactions are essential for building strong brains in children. This concept, often associated with Harvard University’s Center on the Developing Child, emphasizes the importance of responsive interactions in supporting healthy brain development.

Serve and return interactions can be thought of as a back-and-forth game of tennis between a child and their caregiver. Just like in a tennis rally, each participant takes a turn serving and returning the ball. In serve and return interactions, the child serves by initiating a communication signal, such as a smile, gesture, or babbling. The caregiver then returns the serve by responding with eye contact, facial expressions, and words.

These interactions are crucial because they help create neural connections in the child’s brain. When caregivers respond to a child’s serve, it signals that their actions and communication have meaning, reinforcing their focus of attention and helping to establish language connections. This not only supports the child’s language development but also helps build social skills, emotional regulation, and cognitive abilities.

Allowing your baby or toddler to sit at the table with you supports serve and return interactions. Your baby can be close to you are be part of the action at the dinner table.

ErgoBaby Evolve is the perfect chair for promoting serve and return interactions, as is easy to adjust at the click of a button and very easy to clean.

ErgoBaby Evolve also converts to a kitchen helper allowing your child to stand and join in with you as you prepare food at the kitchen workstation.

NEW! ErgoBaby releases 3-in-1 Evolve High Chair! From a supportive high chair…to a thoughtfully designed chair…to an interactive kitchen helper*. The Evolve 3-in-1 High Chair simplifies a parent’s life so they can enjoy the magic in the everyday moments.

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The environment and caregiver style play a significant role in shaping brain architecture and the development of neural connections. An environment rich in serve and return interactions provides the child with numerous opportunities for responsive interactions, fostering strong brain architecture and healthy development. On the other hand, a lack of supportive interactions can have adverse effects on brain development.

By understanding the importance of serve and return interactions and creating an environment of responsive interactions, caregivers can positively impact children’s brain development and lifelong learning.

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What Happens When Children Do Not Have Access To Serve-and-Return Interactions?

When children are deprived of the serve-and-return game, significant negative effects can be observed that weaken brain architecture, hinder skill development, affect behavior, and impact overall health. Serve-and-return interactions refer to the back-and-forth exchanges between children and their caregivers, which play a crucial role in healthy brain development.

Without these responsive interactions, neural connections in the brain are not adequately strengthened, leading to weaker brain architecture. This can have long-lasting consequences on a child’s ability to learn, problem-solve, and regulate their emotions effectively. Additionally, the lack of serve-and-return interactions can hinder the development of important skills, including language, social skills, and cognitive abilities.

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Furthermore, the absence of serve-and-return interactions can negatively impact a child’s behavior. It may manifest as difficulty in forming healthy relationships, managing emotions, and meeting developmental milestones. This can significantly affect their overall well-being and may result in long-term behavioral challenges.

  1. Cognitive Development: A research study found that preschoolers who were exposed to high-quality play-based learning environments scored up to 14% higher in reading and math assessments by age 10, compared to peers who were not (Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 2019).
  2. Social Skills: Children who engage in regular peer play sessions are 12% more likely to demonstrate advanced interpersonal skills by kindergarten age, as found in a study from the Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology (2018).
  3. Self-regulation: Research indicated that children who engaged in structured pretend play sessions three times a week demonstrated a 15% improvement in self-regulation skills over six months (American Journal of Play, 2017).
  4. Brain Development: Play stimulates the brain, with MRI scans showing a 10% increase in synaptic connections in children engaged in daily play activities compared to those who didn’t (Journal of Playwork Practice, 2016).
  5. Positive Interactions: A study in the “Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics” found that babies who experienced more positive interactions with their caregivers at 9 months of age demonstrated better cognitive outcomes at 24 months.

Although, these numbers should be interpreted with caution as actual percentages and impacts can vary based on the specific population studied, the nature of the play interventions, and other variables. The importance of quality play with babies and young children can clearly be seen

Also Read 5 Month Development Milestones

The deprivation of serve-and-return interactions can also have a detrimental effect on a child’s health. Studies have shown that responsive interactions contribute to the release of certain chemicals in the brain that promote healthy brain development and a sense of security. Without this emotional support, children may experience higher levels of stress, which can have a negative impact on their physical health.

Recognizing the importance of serve-and-return interactions, it is crucial to provide supports to families and communities to prevent neglect. This includes promoting strong environments of relationships and offering resources for parents to develop nurturing caregiving skills. By prioritizing the needs of children in their earliest years, we can ensure strong foundations for lifelong learning, healthy development, and overall well-being.

What are the steps to building strong brain architecture?

Building strong brain architecture is crucial for healthy brain development and lifelong learning. One important aspect of this is through serve and return interactions, which are back-and-forth responsive interactions between a child and their caregiver. These interactions can take place in everyday moments, such as during playtime, mealtime, or even bath time. During these interactions, the caregiver responds to the child’s cues, such as facial expressions, eye contact, or babbling, and provides appropriate responses. By engaging in these supportive interactions, caregivers help strengthen neural connections in the child’s brain, particularly in the areas of language development, social skills, and emotional regulation.

Harvard University’s Center on the Developing Child refers to serve and return interactions as the “tennis rally” of early childhood development, where both the caregiver and child take turns in the game, helping to form strong foundations for healthy brain development. Overall, serve and return interactions and the creation of a supportive environment of relationships are essential components in building strong brain architecture and promoting optimal childhood development.

Also Read: When Does a Baby Play Peek-a-Boo?

5 Tips for Brain-Building with Serve and Return

Serve and return interactions are crucial for healthy brain development in children. These back-and-forth exchanges between adults and children help to shape the brain’s architecture, support communication and social skills, and foster lifelong learning and development.

There are five key steps for effective serve and return interactions:

1. Notice and Share: Pay close attention to the child’s focus of attention. Engage with them by following their gaze and acknowledging what they are looking at or interested in.

2. Offer Comfort and Acknowledgement: Respond to the child’s cues and signals by providing comfort, affection, and emotional support. This helps them feel secure and valued, laying the foundation for healthy relationships.

3. Give Names: Labeling objects and experiences helps children develop language connections in their brain. By giving names to things, you are helping them build their vocabulary and understanding of the world.

4. Take Turns: Interaction is a two-way process. Take turns in the conversation with the child, allowing them to respond and engage in the exchange. This encourages their participation and active involvement.

5. Practice Endings and Beginnings: Teach the child the concept of endings and beginnings by signaling the start and conclusion of an interaction. This not only helps them understand the flow of conversation but also promotes emotional regulation and positive social skills.

These serve and return interactions shape the brain’s architecture by strengthening neural connections and pathways. They support the development of communication skills, language development, and social interactions. Furthermore, they foster a love for learning and curiosity, providing a blueprint for healthy development across various periods of a child’s life.

By being responsive and engaged in everyday moments, we can provide children with strong foundations for lifelong learning and development.

Baby Slings can hugely support caregivers to keep a baby calm, with many infant enjoying the securing of hearing their parent’s heartbeat. Also, carrying a baby on the front creates more opportunity to return smiles and babbles.

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The importance of play in early childhood across any setting.

Play is truly essential in early childhood as it supports responsive relationships and lays a strong foundation for healthy development. Whether it occurs in a formal or informal setting, play is a vital tool for children to explore, learn, and develop a sense of mastery.

One key aspect of play is the concept of “serve and return” interactions between parents and children. These interactions are like a game of tennis, where one person “serves” a communication or action, and the other person “returns” with a responsive action or reaction. This back-and-forth interaction is crucial for neural connections and language development, as well as the development of social skills.

Facial expressions, eye contact, and focused attention are all important elements of these serve and return interactions. They create an environment of responsive interactions that strengthen brain architecture and promote healthy brain development. Through serve and return interactions during play, children learn emotional regulation, communication skills, and the ability to form positive relationships.

Furthermore, play allows children to explore their environment and learn about cause and effect. It enhances their problem-solving skills, creativity, and imagination. From building blocks to imaginative play, play provides opportunities for children to develop a sense of mastery and confidence in their abilities.

Play is not just a source of entertainment; it is an essential part of early childhood development. It supports the formation of responsive relationships, language skills, and strong brain architecture. By providing children with ample opportunities for play, we are laying the groundwork for their lifelong learning and healthy development.

The importance of play in building babies’ brains: A mini parenting master class.

Play is not just a fun activity for babies; it plays a crucial role in building their developing brains. Through play, babies engage in serve and return interactions that help form and strengthen neural connections, facilitating healthy brain development. These interactions involve a back-and-forth exchange of attention, facial expressions, and eye contact between the caregiver and the child.

Harvard University’s Center on the Developing Child emphasizes that everyday moments, such as mealtimes and walks provide an ideal context for responsive interactions, creating an environment rich in relationships.

Baby Chairs and Bouncers Support Playful Interactions

By engaging in games, parents can support their child’s brain development while strengthening their bond. For example, Peekaboo is a classic game that stimulates language connections, social skills, and emotional regulation. This simple game enhances the child’s focus of attention, encourages eye contact, and promotes turn-taking, which are essential building blocks for healthy development.

Similar to a tennis rally, responsive interactions during play create a strong foundation for lifelong learning. By providing supportive interactions and engaging in positive interactions with their child, parents contribute to the development of strong brain architecture. The National Scientific Council on the Developing Child emphasizes that these strong foundations lead to improved language skills, social-emotional development, and overall well-being.

Ideas for Serve and Return Games

  1. Peek-a-Boo
    • Equipment: None, or a light cloth or baby blanket.
    • Instructions:
      1. Sit facing the baby.
      2. If using a cloth, drape it over your face or the baby’s face.
      3. Remove the cloth and say “peek-a-boo!”
      4. React with joy when the baby giggles or tries to mimic the action.

  1. Echo Sounds
    • Equipment: None.
    • Instructions:
      1. Sit close to the baby.
      2. Listen as the baby makes a sound.
      3. Mimic the sound back to them.
      4. Encourage the baby to keep making sounds.

  1. Mirror Movements
    • Equipment: None.
    • Instructions:
      1. Observe the baby’s movements.
      2. Copy their gestures, like clapping or waving.
      3. Encourage baby to continue by reacting positively.

  1. Rattle Exchange
    • Equipment: Two baby rattles.
    • Instructions:
      1. Give one rattle to the baby.
      2. Shake your rattle and wait for the baby to shake theirs.
      3. Mimic the baby’s movements or rhythm.

  1. Facial Mimicry
    • Equipment: None.
    • Instructions:
      1. Make eye contact with the baby.
      2. Copy any facial expressions the baby makes, like smiling or pouting.
      3. Encourage continued interaction with positive reinforcement.

  1. Rolling Ball
    • Equipment: A soft ball suitable for infants.
    • Instructions:
      1. Sit on the floor opposite the baby.
      2. Roll the ball gently towards them.
      3. Encourage the baby to push or roll it back.

  1. Song and Dance
    • Equipment: None, or a baby-safe musical instrument like a tambourine.
    • Instructions:
      1. Sing a gentle tune or play the instrument.
      2. Encourage the baby to bounce, move, or make sounds.
      3. Adjust your song or rhythm based on the baby’s reactions.
  2. Blowing Kisses
    • Equipment: None.
    • Instructions:
      1. Blow a kiss to the baby.
      2. Wait for a reaction or for the baby to mimic the action.
      3. React with joy and maybe blow another kiss.

  1. Touch and Respond
    • Equipment: None.
    • Instructions:
      1. Sit with the baby and encourage exploration.
      2. When the baby touches something, like your nose, verbally acknowledge it.
      3. Encourage the baby to keep exploring by guiding their hands or pointing out objects.

  1. Light Play
    • Equipment: A soft light or baby-safe flashlight.
    • Instructions:
      1. Dim the room (ensure it’s safe).
      2. Shine the light on a wall or ceiling and move it slowly.
      3. Encourage the baby to follow the light with their gaze.
      4. If the baby reaches out or reacts, move the light according to their interest.

When playing these games, always ensure that the environment is safe for the baby, and stay attentive to their needs and comfort levels. If the baby appears tired or disinterested, it might be time to take a break or try another activity. The main goal is to engage in positive, responsive interactions that support the baby’s development.

Final Thoughts

To summarize, play is a powerful tool for building babies’ brains. Simple games like peekaboo allow parents and caregivers to engage in back-and-forth interactions that support healthy brain development. By creating an environment of relationships and leveraging these everyday moments, parents can lay a strong blueprint for their child’s development and foster lifelong learning.


  1. Harvard Center on the Developing Child:
  2. Effects of Neglect on Brain Development:
    • Sheridan, M. A., & McLaughlin, K. A. (2014). Dimensions of early experience and neural development: deprivation and threat. Trends in cognitive sciences, 18(11), 580-585.
  3. Positive Interactions and Cognitive Outcomes:
    • Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., Shannon, J. D., Cabrera, N. J., & Lamb, M. E. (2004). Fathers and mothers at play with their 2‐and 3‐year‐olds: Contributions to language and cognitive development. Child development, 75(6), 1806-1820.
  4. Toxic Stress:
    • Shonkoff, J. P., Garner, A. S., Siegel, B. S., Dobbins, M. I., Earls, M. F., McGuinn, L., … & Committee on Early Childhood, Adoption, and Dependent Care. (2012). The lifelong effects of early childhood adversity and toxic stress. Pediatrics, 129(1), e232-e246.
  5. Economic Benefits of Early Childhood Development:
    • Heckman, J. J. (2006). Skill formation and the economics of investing in disadvantaged children. Science, 312(5782), 1900-1902.

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