Is Miss Rachel Good For Babies?

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YouTube videos are interactive and fun, and most toddlers prefer to watch them instead of watching TV. 

Although it’s debatable whether such screen time is beneficial for kids, many parents believe that it offers them a good opportunity to learn new things. But one of the biggest issues with YouTube is that you have to find safe and appropriate content for your baby.

Now, if you’ve seen your little one watching Miss Rachel’s Songs For Littles, you might be wondering if it’s good for babies.

Turns out, it actually is GOOD!

In this post, we will take a closer look at the content on the Songs For Littles channel and discuss why you should let your baby watch it.

Whether you are a new parent looking for educational and entertaining content for your little one, or you are simply curious about Miss Rachel’s channel, this post will give some insight.

Who is Miss Rachel?

Preschool teacher Rachel Griffin Accurso, also known online as Miss Rachel, is a well-known YouTuber and a TikToker who’s won the hearts of millions of babies and parents worldwide!

Miss Rachel’s YouTube channel has a collection of highly interactive and stimulating videos for baby’s language development. The videos are made specifically for babies aged 1-4 years old, with careful consideration given to the information delivered.

What’s more, she speaks calmly and carefully in each video, and close-ups are shown of the movements to demonstrate precisely how Miss Rachel’s mouth moves so that the babies can imitate her actions.

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She’s aware that children enjoy trying to imitate adult behaviors when learning new words and actions, so she’s cautious of her body language in her videos.

Miss Rachel received her music master’s degree from New York University and she’s now working toward a second Master’s Degree in early childhood education.

How Did Miss Rachel Start “Songs For Littles”?

It all started when her son, Thomas, developed a speech problem. Thomas only said his first word, “Mama,” when he was 2 years and 8 months old.

Rachel had been anxiously awaiting this moment for a long time, and she was always looking for educational videos to help her son’s speech development.

She was disheartened when she couldn’t find anything that was both entertaining and met Thomas’ requirements.

That’s when she was inspired to start her own YouTube channel to highlight the importance of speech development so that other kids like Thomas could also benefit.

How Did Miss Rachel Start Songs For Littles

Due to the dedication of Miss Rachel and her husband Aron (who controls the puppets), Georgie and Herbie, as well as the entire cast, including; 

  • Beth Jean
  • Jules
  • Natalie Kaye Clater
  • Keisha Gilles
  • Angelo Soriano
  • Frida Matute
  • Alexa Smith
  • Simon Kafka
  • Dennis Stowe

Miss Rachel’s YouTube channel now has more than two million subscribers and over one billion views.

Is Miss Rachel Good For Babies?

Now It’s the time to pop the big question. Is Miss Rachel Good for babies?

Yes, watching Miss Rachel’s content is beneficial to the development of speech in babies and toddlers.

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Even the “Songs for Littles” description states that it includes videos that can help little kids speak, learn letters, colors, numbers, and so on, and that parents can take lessons together while spending time with the kids.

We’ve also listed some reasons why we think Miss Rachel is suitable for babies and toddlers, as well as how it helps parents interact with their children:

Miss Rachel Uses Music To Teach Everything

Miss Rachel, who holds a Master’s Degree in music education from NYU, has a brilliant way of teaching babies through music. She also has a wonderful voice that immediately grabs your babies’ attention.

Every time she sees the kids, she sings a song, smiles, and makes various hand gestures. As a result, your baby will learn something new while enjoying the lessons.

Miss Rachel videos

Miss Rachel Shows Close-Up Movements

Miss Rachel has a unique teaching style involving close-up mouth movements, allowing babies to easily understand what is being said.

She has extensive experience in early childhood education, having studied at Harvard and Bank Street College.

Several studies have shown that children enjoy imitating adults, and this type of teaching method is very effective. 

In her videos, she also introduces new words and demonstrates how to use them. For instance, she says that calling one’s mother the word “mommy” when they need something serves as a way to get their attention.

Miss Rachel Ensures That Babies Are Involved

Another unique aspect of Miss Rachel’s videos is that she involves every child in the activities. When you watch it, you’ll feel as if she’s right in front of you, having a conversation with you and smiling at you.

This is achieved through phrases and questions such as “Let us be like sharks,” “Do you see the seashells?”, “Can you say this word?” and so on.

She also uses verbal praise to acknowledge children’s good behavior. So you kids will think Miss Rachel is only speaking to them and will try to interact with her as much as possible.

Miss Rachel Also Teaches Great Strategies To Parents

Parents, like the children, can learn a lot from Miss Rachel’s methods.

You can also watch these videos with your children and then engage in activities as Miss Rachel does. You can, for example, use different voices, smile, and sing to your child to help him learn a new word or number.

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When your children learn a new word or number, make sure to praise them as Miss Rachel does verbally. “Well done,” “Good Job,” or anything else that will motivate your child. It will make your kid think you genuinely care about how they learn things.

Bottom Line

While many people argue that children should not spend too much time on screens, this is not the case with Miss Rachel’s YouTube channel “Songs for Littles.” 

It encourages language development, inclusivity, kinesthetic abilities, and much more while ensuring that learning takes place in a positive, enjoyable, and engaging environment. 

The bottom line is that Miss Rachel is good for babies, and there is nothing for you to worry about!

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