Baby Makes Humming Noise While Breastfeeding? (Solved)

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The American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization recommend exclusive breastfeeding for about the first 6 months, with continued breastfeeding along with introducing appropriate complementary foods for up to 2 years of age or longer.

It’s really common to have questions about whether or not you are doing it right and whether your baby is getting enough milk.

It’s common for babies to make various noises while breastfeeding, including humming or cooing sounds. There could be several reasons why your baby is making a humming noise while nursing, and most of them are completely normal.

It’s not always easy to get starting with breastfeeding and can be concerning to hear or see your baby behaving in a way that seems unusual.

In this article I’ll cover different reasons your baby makes humming noise while breastfeeding.

Your Baby Is Happy!

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One possible reason is that your baby is content and happy while feeding, and the humming noise is a sign of their comfort and relaxation.

Babies also have a natural instinct to suck, and making noises can be a way to express their pleasure and enjoyment.

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Is There A Latch Issue?

Another reason could be related to the way your baby is breastfeeding.

Is There A Latch Issue

Some babies tend to make noises when they have difficulty latching or sucking effectively, and the humming noise could be a sign of frustration or an attempt to reposition their tongue or mouth to get a better latch.

It’s worth noting that some babies may have medical issues that could affect their ability to breastfeed properly, such as a tongue-tie or a cleft palate.

If you’re concerned about your baby’s feeding habits or the noises they make while nursing, it’s a good idea to talk to your pediatrician or a lactation consultant for further evaluation and advice.

Do Babies With Tongue Ties Make Unusual Noises?

Babies with tongue-ties may sometimes make unusual noises while breastfeeding.

This is because a tongue-tie can affect a baby’s ability to properly latch onto the breast and can interfere with their ability to suck effectively.

As a result, they may make clicking or smacking noises while breastfeeding, or they may have difficulty maintaining a strong suction on the breast.

A Baby clicking their tongue or making humming noises can be a sign of a tongue tie or latch issue.

In addition to unusual noises, babies with tongue-ties may also have other symptoms that can affect their feeding and overall health, such as poor weight gain, excessive drooling, and difficulty swallowing.

If you suspect that your baby has a tongue-tie, it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider for an evaluation. A healthcare provider can assess your baby’s tongue mobility and determine if a tongue-tie is present.

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Treatment for tongue-tie may involve a simple procedure to release the frenulum, which is the small piece of tissue that connects the tongue to the bottom of the mouth, and can help improve your baby’s feeding and overall well-being.

Autism And Breastfeeding Difficulties

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neurological condition that affects social communication and behavior, but it does not typically impact a person’s ability to feel hunger or fullness.

Some individuals with ASD may have sensory processing issues that affect their appetite or food preferences, which could actually make them less likely to feel hungry or more likely to feel full quickly.

Autism And Breastfeeding Difficulties

For example, some individuals with ASD may be sensitive to certain textures or tastes of food, which can make eating difficult and impact their overall appetite.

What does the science say?

Recent and developing studies are however looking into a phenomenon commonly reported amongst breastfeeding mothers whose children have later been diagnosed with Autism.

Some infants are extreemely vigorous feeders and do not stop sucking on the mother’s nipple even when they are full sometimes causing soreness and infection in the mother.

My amazing son who was later diagnosed with ASC would do this after feeding and just allow the milk to dribble out of his mouth. It is thought to be a sign of sensory processing difficulties which are common in people with ASC.

More research needs to be done

More research needs to be done into breastfeeding difficulties and Autism Spectrum Condition. It could be helpful indicator for diagnosis in conjunction with other known signs.

There are many signs of autism and its important to not self diagnose but to get professional medical support as early as possible if you suspect autism as early help can help to to get the right support, enjoy your parenting journey more, and support your child to thrive.

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It’s important to note that every individual with ASD is unique and may have their own individual challenges and strengths.

If you have concerns about your child’s feeding habits or behavior, it’s a good idea to talk to your pediatrician or a specialist in autism or feeding disorders for further evaluation and guidance.

Why Does My Baby Only Feed On One Breast?

It is not uncommon for babies to prefer one breast over the other or to only feed on one breast during a feeding session. This is usually not a cause for concern and is completely normal.

Some possible reasons why a baby may prefer one breast over the other include; differences in milk flow, nipple shape or size, or even the way the baby is held during feeding.

Additionally, some babies may simply feel more comfortable or secure on one side.

Getting a supportive chair and cushions that support feeding can really help with this issue and help it become more bare able. Its also worth experimenting with different holds.

It might be that your baby feels uncomfortable laying on one side in which case experimenting with different ways of holding your baby might help to encourage feeding on the unpopular side.

Breastfeeding Essentials

Momcozy wireless Breast pump
Momcozy Breastfeeding pillow
Momcozy Milk storage bags

To Summarize

It’s important to remember that babies are typically very efficient at extracting milk from the breast, and feeding on one breast only can still provide adequate nutrition and support healthy growth and development.

However, if you are concerned that your baby is not getting enough milk or if you are experiencing discomfort or engorgement in the breast that your baby is not feeding from, you may want to try encouraging your baby to feed from the less preferred breast by offering it first or changing the feeding position.

You can also talk to a lactation consultant or your healthcare provider for further guidance and support.

Babies do make all sorts of unusual noises whilst breastfeeding and this is most often a sign that they are happy.

However if you are concerned, or your baby seems to be not gaining weight or appears to have difficultly staying on the breast or coming off the breast often or not coming off the breast, seek medical advice.